We are your Trainers!

When you and we are tired after a communications training session, then we were collectively successful and you will have learnt a lot. This is our promise to you!

We are a well-connected communications company specialising in customized communications training. All our trainers have much practical know-how, several years’ experience and the intuition to focus on you and your requirements. With the assistance of video analyses you will make rapid progress. Another promise we will keep.

We teach communications training in English, German and French. On the spot or online.

Team English Marcel Juen GmbH

Annette Fetscherin

Annette Fetscherin

Specialized rhetoric and media training at Marcel Jean Communication GmbH.

Moderator, producer and journalist at SRF Sport.  Previously deputy editor-in-chief and presenter at Teleclub Sport.

Master’s degree in journalism, English linguistics and political science at the University of Zurich.



«Before your performance, take a moment to think about how you would like to impact your audience.  Visualization, in addition to good preparation, helps against nervousness and insecurity.»
Annette Fetscherin